The Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 Passthrough in Kitchener, Ontario

The Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 is in full swing and here’s what the support is really like for this movement. As the Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 Ottawa / Truckers for Freedom 2022, truckers protest to stand up to Trudeau’s vaccine mandates and tyranny through peaceful protests. The experience was so powerful, that I decided to make a film out of it as it travelled on the 401 through Kitchener, Ontario, Canada on January 27th, 2022. This could be the beginning of something historic. Thank you, truckers, for doing what’s right.

Donate to the Tuckers Convoy Ottawa 2022 Go Fund Me:

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About the author

Josh Moxey is a performance consultant, content creator and self-improvement addict who has been dedicated to the path of mastery for over a decade. He helps entrepreneurs and creators tap into the next level of their potential.

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