Surrender vs. inaction, temporary exclusivity and creating products with a smaller audience

Welcome back to another newsletter. As always, the format is simple:

  1. The latest from me
  2. Ideas I’m thinking about
  3. Resources that are upgrading my quality of life

Let’s get into it.

The latest

There’s a lot happening in the backend right now, and I’m so excited for what’s coming.

First and foremost, my group consulting program is live! I’m extremely excited (and nervous lol) to launch this. If you’re serious about tapping into your potential and you qualify for the criteria listed, this might be a fit for you. For only $50/month (this is likely to increase at some point, so get in sooner rather than later), you can get 3x+ group calls per month with me, get past call recordings, tap into the ever-expanding curriculum and library, connect with like-minded individuals who share similar values and goals, and more. To learn more, check it out here.

My free essential productivity guide. This is my freebie offer to get people on my email list. If you signed up for my newsletter before February 25th, 2024, this wasn’t ready yet, so I’m sending it to you now! Big fan of this guide and it’s a great preview of the absolute fire delivered in the consulting library. 👀


If all else fails, focus on being useful.

Exclusivity needn’t always mean forever. You’ll often see “exclusive” as a tool to make offers appear more valuable, almost always implying that the exclusivity will last forever… but that’s only one way to use this influence principle. Another form of exclusivity is offering “exclusive early access”. This gives you the option to grant exclusive access for a limited period of time, after which the thing in question is released to a greater number of people (whether it be a bigger group of people in a larger tier or the general public for free), which creates a sense of value for the people for those who get it early. They’re paying to get something early, before everyone else; to be part of a limited group of people who get something before everyone else does. Personally, I love the idea of this and I’m implementing a combination of this within my consulting library, because there are things I want to keep behind closed doors forever, but there are also things I want to share with the public for free because I care about helping people for free, too.

Surrender isn’t about giving up; inaction. It’s about accepting what is, then doing what you can, with what you have, where you are. It’s about doing your best, focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you can’t; letting life flow as it’s designed. It’s stopping the internal fight you’re experiencing and instead taking action from a calm and collected place; a clear and grounded place.

Involving a higher power in your creation process makes everything easier. As a human being, you are limited in what you are capable of on a physical level due to the constraints of this reality. You can only do so much “alone”. But whether you want to call it God, source, the universe, etc. — working with the guidance of a higher power and letting it work through you, you can be guided in ways you would never imagine or think your way to with the egoic mind alone.

Have a “source” for your content to flow from. If you’re a content creator, having a “source” where all your other content can flow from makes everything so much more effective, simple and easy. For me, this newsletter is a source. My main channel is also a source, and when the podcast returns, that will be another source too. These sources can also be sources for each other, too. ie. I talk about something in my newsletter, and then I decide to also expand upon it in my main channel. And then my second channel, X, Instagram, locals, TikTok — all the content on here is almost always downstream of these 3 “sources”, in the form of video clips, quotes, or alternative perspectives of the original media. To become a master of modern content, you must master repurposing.

You need to be willing to abandon what’s got you here in order to get to the next place. This is a big thing right now with my fitness coach. Instead of clenching to my comfort zone and doing what I’ve done in the past, I’m humbling myself, letting go of what got me here, the practices I’m used to doing and I’m instead fully embracing the new approach and system, even when I don’t want to. And so far, it’s working crazily well. If you’re ready to go 10x, you need to drop around 80% of the things you’re comfortable with that got you here.

Identity dictates, deeply. In US politics, there are still people who will look around at how much of a mess the country and the world at large is under Biden and still think they should vote Democrat again in the 2024 elections because they view themselves as a Democrat voter or “liberal” through and through. It’s so powerful, that it stops them from voting for anyone else and anything else — even if it means sabotaging their own lives in the process. It’s quite literally insanity. Especially because, with all due respect, anyone with a brain can see that Biden is obviously not running the country and the current democratic party is fully compromised. (P.S. I do not pledge allegiance to either side, but I’m deeply anti-establishment and extremely against the corruption we’re witnessing in real-time. You know, the stuff we warned you about and you called us conspiracy theorists lol)

Whatever you need to do to get yourself to clarify the ethics of your decisions in the present, do it. Someday, you’ll have to tell your children and grandchildren what you did or didn’t do. You can try and hide it all you want, but the truth always comes out. You’ll have to live with yourself, look yourself in the mirror, and it’s your sleep that’s going to be affected. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in heaven and hell in an afterlife or not — a version of hell and heaven is always experienced. You cannot escape the consequences or benefits of right or wrong actions. Think longer-term and act accordingly.


Dan Koe: launch a product earlier rather than later as a creator. I listened to this 7-minute clip 3x back to back. My main takeaway: Your first product is going to suck. Whether you have 1K subscribers or 1M subscribers — the time to create a great product takes the same. So the faster you get your “shitty” first products out of the way, the faster you can iterate to an amazing product and nail your offerings over time. Plus, from a pressure perspective, there is much less on the line when you’re a smaller creator, so it’s easier to fail in public than if you had a million people in your audience with high expectations for your first products. Then, by the time you reach the size of those channels, you’ll have been in the game, developing your products for 10x long, and you’ll be able to outsell all those channels with the same size as you by 10x. Shoutout Hamza for sharing this clip as a free preview, this really helped and affirmed some key decisions I’ve made for my specific strategy.

PETLIBRO Automatic cat feeder. This automatic feeder has fundamentally changed the game for me. For the past 8 months or so, I’ve been experimenting with different feeding schedules for my slightly overweight cat (thankfully nowhere close to my previous cats though lol, IYKYK). But recently, I switched from giving Koby snack-size portions throughout the day to only feeding him only twice a day at 9am and 9pm with half his food for the day — and it was pain. This cat had no idea how to pace himself, so every morning at 5am, he would be a living and breathing alarm clock, meowing in my face for hours on end until I fed him, to the point where I needed to wear earplugs to not go insane lol. Then in the evenings, there would be a 2-3 hour lead-up before his normal feeding time of him equally meowing out of control because he was so hungry. It was annoying as fuck. But now, with this customizable feeder, everything is portioned properly, spaced into 6 meals throughout the day, equally spread out by time. He’s happy, and I’m happy. No more cat alarm clock or evening cries. A system like this is a must and it’s been such a massive upgrade for my quality of life, sanity and sleep lol. P.S. it also looks great and it’s affordable as hell. W product.

ConvertKit. This is the platform I’ve decided to use for this email newsletter. It’s free to start, keeps things relatively simple and has worked awesome for me so far. Down the line, I’ll either need to upgrade my plan or potentially switch to a different platform depending on my needs, but for now, I’m liking this. If you’re looking to start an email newsletter of your own and want to keep things simple, it’s a solid choice.

Thanks for reading. If you found this email valuable, please consider sharing it with a friend who might get value from this too.

Until next time, be well.


Thank you for your time and attention. If you got value from this content — whether it was an insight, strategy or even a laugh — please consider sharing it with a friend who might benefit from it too. By doing so, not only do you help them out, but you also help support my content creation efforts and expand the reach and impact of the content I’m sharing.

About the author

Josh Moxey is a performance consultant, content creator and self-improvement addict who has been dedicated to the path of mastery for over a decade. He helps entrepreneurs and creators tap into the next level of their potential.

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